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  • Vision and Reading Difficulties

Vision and Reading Difficulties


This book is about visual problems that can make reading difficult for people who do not have eye diseases or low vision. The visual problems that are most often associated with reading difficulties are binocular instability, accommodative anomalies, and a condition called visual stress in which text and items in the visual environment may appear to move, change, or blur, resulting in eye-strain and headaches. These visual problems that can contribute to reading difficulties often become evident at school but can persist into adult life. The book describes a clinical protocol used to identify and treat these conditions.

  • Authored by a trio of experts, this book explores the visual problems that can make reading difficult for people who do not have eye diseases or low vision. 

    During the 120-page title, Professors Bruce Evans, Arnold Wilkins and Peter Allen discuss the visual problems that are most often associated with reading difficulties, including binocular instability, accommodative anomalies and visual stress (Meares-Irlen syndrome).

    These visual problems, they explain, can contribute to reading difficulties that often become evident at school, but can persist into adult life. 

    Finally, the book describes a clinical protocol that can be used to identify and treat these conditions.

    Publication Date: 2009 | ISBN-10: 09559235-1-4 | ISBN-13: 978-0-9559235-1-7 |

    Edition: 1 - By Peter M Allen, Bruce JW Evans and Arnold J Wilkins.